UV Reflective
Product UVRFLW: UV Reflecting Pigment White Cosmetic Grade
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- Sunlight Stable
- Skin Safe
- Easily Dispersed is a clear coat, varnish, hand lotion, etc
- White Reflection
Sometimes, there is a need to make something more UV reflective. Our UVRFLW has a low visual appearance looking white pearlescence in visble light, but becomes highly UV reflective.
Here, we compared sunscreen, the white pigment titanium dioxide and our UVRFLW UV reflective pigment. In visible light, all three pigments are almost invisible on white paper. In UV light, the sunscreen becomes dark, but even the titanium dioxide aborbs a lot of UV light while the UVRFLW becomes reflective in the UV.
Here is another example with the three pigments applied to an arm
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