Raspberry Pi Cameras

Raspberry Pi Cameras converted in monochrome offer substantial advantages to USB type cameras.  With a Paspberry Pi camera you can:

- Capture RAW images rather than a compressed video USB format

- You can control camera settings such as shutter speed whereas USB cameras have general settings that aren't explained mathematically.  This makes doing analysis with USB cameras difficult because it is difficult to know what adjustments the camera is making to the image.

- Raspberry Pi cameras can be bought with M12, C-Mount and CS-Mount lenses so you can mount lenses designed to see in the UV.  With the Raspberry HQ 12 MP camera, you can mount C-Mount, CS-Mount and M12 lenses with an adapter.  Our LDP 6mm M12 lens which transmits below 200nm (77% @ 200nm), there is NO vignetting when used with the HQ camera.




Raspberry Pi HQ 12MP Monochrome Camera available with our without IR Cut Filter (ICF).  Mount C-Mount, CS-Mount and M12 lenses on the same camera!